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PRODEJ - Fleky u Nýrska

Řadový rodinný dům 3+1/T/G, 90 m2, pozemek 410 m2

ikona dispozice 410 m2
ikona poloha Fleky u Nýrska
ikona cena

3 850 000,- Kč


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Another time saving service we provide is mortgage loans. Banks are constantly increasing possibilities on how to buy real estate, but if you are not a specialist in this area it can be a really uneasy task. We cooperate with most banks in the Czech bank market and because of that, we can independently evaluate and calculate all the offers. At that point, it is up to you which one you will choose. On the top of that, most of the time, we will negotiate better conditions for you if you would like talk to a bank on your own.

What we can arrange for you?

  • Consultation of your current situation and evaluation of your possibilities.
  • We will calculate all offers and evaluate benefits and negatives.
  • Filling out forms and monitoring of all phases of the loan procedure till the end.
  • We will prepare all necessary contracts with bank.
  • Mortgage loan contract consultation.
  • We can arrange bank price estimation.
  • We will make sure all documents for bank and land registry will be handled over on time.

In case you already have a mortgage loan, we can arrange to refinance your loan so that you will have the best possible conditions.

We also cooperate with insurance companies, so we are able to provide you not just with all necessary insurance for your property, but even life insurance. We will help you to find a best fit for you.

What we can arrange for you?

Consultation and contract negotiations for the following:

  • House or apartment insurance
  • Household insurance
  • Liability insurance
  • Life insurance
  • Life insurance for children
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