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PRODEJ - Fleky u Nýrska

Řadový rodinný dům 3+1/T/G, 90 m2, pozemek 410 m2

ikona dispozice 410 m2
ikona poloha Fleky u Nýrska
ikona cena

3 850 000,- Kč


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Blog - nový článek

V našem novém blogu Vám přineseme zajímavé novinky nebo realitní tipy.

In this section we will introduce our company so you can get an idea of who we are and what values we have.

We started to write the history of our company in 2000 under the name RK Avion. Our goal was never to be a big company, but a smaller, independent real estate company which cares about its name and its clients, always plays fair and the client´s satisfaction is top priority. Our specialization is Prague and it’s close surroundings, but if needed, we can do business all over the Czech Republic.

When we started, we chose two words which we have held on to to this day – fast and safe. These two words, are very important, and not just for a real estate business. To be flexible, adapt to all needs and make a successful fast business deal, yet be combined with precision, cautiousness and consistency is a true value to attain.

The Real estate market is constantly progressing, which is why even we innovate, adjust and develop our skills and ability. This way we can guarantee a complete service at the highest level, no matter if you need: to sell, buy, rent or just a word of advice.

In our eyes, the biggest success is when a client comes back, because they know they found quality a partner for their real estate dreams. A further testament in our company is the recommendation to their friends and colleagues, which is the best possible advertisement.

Our status

We work in compliance with Law no. 101/2000 of Collection of Laws ( and later additions) Personal Data Protection Act and in compliance with Law no. 253/2008 of Collection of Laws and 254/2008 of Collection of Laws Anti-Money-Laundering and Counter Financing of Terrorism.

We are qualified, specialized, and act honestly in compliance with good manners and always in best interest of our client in all our activities. We will never misuse our position in detriment of our client.

We always provide our clients with reliable, factual information, according to our clear conscience. We always keep all agreements and dates..

We never hand over or make public any confidential information regarding our client without his permission, even after the end of our cooperation.

If it is in best interest of our client, we will cooperate with other real estate agencies.

We have Liability Insurance.

2015 © Avion RK | Webmaster Tomáš Křivánek