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PRODEJ5+kk a větší -

Prodej nového 5+kk/T+GS, 119 m2 + 31 m2 terasa, Praha 5, Motol/Stodůlky

ikona dispozice 119 m2
ikona poloha
ikona cena

17 748 400,- Kč


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Blog - nový článek

V našem novém blogu Vám přineseme zajímavé novinky nebo realitní tipy.

Real estate consultancy is a new generation of real estate services. We are prepared to arrange acquisition of a property for those of you, who are looking for a real estate property or for those who have already found an apartment, house, land or weekend house.

Often we hear the opinion that in a selling process all you need to do is find a buyer, sign the contract, transfer the money and the deal is done. From our experience, we know it is not like that most of the time. When time goes by, clients often find out that their property is not in the shape it was presented as, nor is the land allowed to be built upon. This is often due to something being wrong with the Land registry and or other problems which were unknowingly or deliberately withheld.

That is exactly the reason why we have this service for you, so we can protect your best interest. We make sure everything is transparent thus eliminating risks connected to your investment. All of our recommendations are based on our longterm experience, which we gained over the years in real estate business.

Within real estate consultancy scope:

  • We will search for suitable properties based on your requirements ( we will also advise you regarding your selection and tell you what to be careful about).
  • We will arrange inspections of properties, where we will accompany you or cover for you.
  • We will work with you to analyze your chosen property.
  • We will arrange an expert´s opinion of the property.
  • We will either negotiate or check your contract.
  • We will arrange safe deposit of your money.
  • We will arrange a favorable mortgage loan.
  • We will arrange a favorable insurance plan.
  • We will arrange your property tax refund for you.
  • We will give you advice on reconstruction or recommend a quality architect or designer.
  • We are fluent in both Czech and English languages.
  • We will take care of you and respond to your questions, ether personally in our office, over the phone, or via email through out the whole process.

We are not strictly a “nine to five” to business. We will adjust our office hours to your needs.

How much it will cost?

We have two options, complex and variant based on operation, which we can arrange for you. In case of the complex option, you do not pay anything in advance and our commission will be fixed from a discount we will negotiate for you. In case you need just one or more operations, you will pay just for those and we will not get any commission from discount. You can find more information in tables below. Again, don’t hesitate to contact us.

Operation Variant
Individually Complexed
Analysis, searching, consultancy 2.000,- 0,-
Inspections 500,-/hour 0,-
Law service (complex) 5.000,- 0,-
Law service (partial) 2.000,- 0,-
Advocate/Notary safe keeping 3500,-/4500,- 0,-
Safe keeping at Real estate office 1.000,- 0,-
Expert´s opinion (apartment/house) 4000,-/5000,- 4000,-/5000,-
Property tax refund 1.000,- 0,-
Arranging of mortgage loan 0,- 0,-


Total negotiated discount Our commission Your commission
0 - 40.000,- 75% 25%
40.000- 80.000,- 60% 40%
80.000 - 100.000,- 50% 50%
100.000 - 200.000,- 40% 60%

Still hesitating? Stop at our office for a cup of coffee and a quick consultation.

2015 © Avion RK | Webmaster Tomáš Křivánek